A fresh take on local

Take a look inside our greenhouse to see how we’ve designed a modern system of growing fresh, local lettuce.

We believe lettuce shouldn’t have to travel cross-country just to reach your local grocery store. That’s why we’ve constructed state-of-the-art greenhouses on the East Coast, with 30 acres of sustainably farmed, great-tasting baby greens growing in Devens, Massachusetts and McAdoo, Pennsylvania.

clean from the start

Our baby greens are the safest, most nutritious, and best tasting product in your local store. We have developed a unique production system that ensures our greens are Clean From the Start™. Here’s what that means.


Tap or hover over the infographic for more details about the hands-free growing process for our lettuce.

Non-GMO Hands-Free Growing Quality & Safety Chemical & Pathogen-Free Packaging


Our seeds are naturally developed and do not contain any genetically modified materials.

Hands-Free Growing

With a specially designed growing system, our baby greens are seeded, grown, cut and packaged without being touched by human hands. That means our lettuce doesn’t have to be “triple-washed” to be clean, unlike field-grown greens.

Quality & Safety

Our growing system is managed through a Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA) program, focusing on food safety throughout our growing process. Our program uses practices developed by world leading food safety experts, ensuring a safe and delicious product.

Chemical & Pathogen-Free

Due to our clean growing technology, we don’t have to triple wash our lettuce. Our baby leaves never come into contact with chlorine-based cleaners or other chemical washing agents often used in triple washing systems. We are chemical and pathogen free, giving you peace of mind when enjoying our fresh greens.


Our packaging is made from Post-Consumer Recycled plastic and can be recycled again after use at most recycling centers. We are also actively exploring packaging options that use less plastic.


Every step of our process, from the seeds we plant to the package you open, was designed to limit our impact on the planet while remaining cost-efficient. Because you shouldn’t have to choose between lettuce that’s affordable and lettuce that’s good for the Earth.


Tap or hover over the infographic to see how Little Leaf Farms uses sustainable methods to grow our lettuce.

sustainability facts
Water Conservation Natural Sunlight Food Miles Energy Conservation Pesticide-Free

Water Conservation

We reuse the rain that falls on our roof to hydroponically grow our crispy greens, so we almost never have to tap into our groundwater reserves. Plus, we use an advanced fertilization and irrigation system that uses 90% less water than field-grown greens.

Natural Sunlight

Our greenhouse is built with the best glass in the world to maximize the use of carbon-free natural sunlight. During the winter, we supplement the natural light with LED-powered grow lights that use 40% less electricity than conventional options.

Food Miles

97% of lettuce in the U.S is grown in California and Arizona. The lettuce in our New England stores is shipped over 3,000 miles, sacrificing freshness and fuel each day it spends on a truck. Little Leaf Farms delivers our greens to stores within a day’s drive – meaning our lettuce is not only fresher, but also better for our planet.

Energy Conservation

We use a natural gas-powered heating system that operates with over 95% efficiency. Instead of releasing CO2 into the environment, our system feeds it to our plants. Additionally, a significant portion of our electricity is generated from local solar panels.


Our greens are never treated with chemical pesticides. We use a state-of-the-art biological control system to manage pests and provide our consumers with products free of any pesticide residue.



Tap or hover over the infographic to see how Little Leaf Lettuce strives to keep our packaging out of landfills.


plastic container recycle 1

Plastic made from PET (such as water bottles) gets recycled.

plastic container recycle 2

Recycler grinds plastic down and forms it into reusable plastic sheets.

plastic container recycle 3

Our packaging company forms plastic sheets into clamshell packaging. Excess plastic is saved and reused.

plastic container recycle 4

We then fill each tub with crispy, local greens. Our packages help lettuce stay fresh and crispy at the grocery store and in your fridge.

plastic container recycle 5

Customers like you enjoy our greens!

recycle the clamshell curbside when you're done, and we're back at step 1!

Recycle the clamshell curbside when you're done, and we're back at step 1!